Thursday 15 November 2012

Rooibos Chai Tea Latte Recipe

Follow this simple recipe to create your own Masala Chai Tea Latte at home!

3 tsp. LuxBerry Tea Masala Chai Rooibos
3/4 cup Water
1 cup Low Fat Milk (1%)

2 tsp. Sugar Free Vanilla Syrup
Milk Froth
Sprinkle of cinnamon on top!

Step 1: Bring 3/4 cup of Water mixed with 3 tsp Masala Chai Rooibos Tea to a boil on stove top.  Cover and simmer for 5 min while stirring occasionally.

Step 2: Add 1 cup Milk and stir, continue simmering for another 5 minutes stirring frequently.

Step 3: Strain mixture through your LuxBerry Tea Infuser to remove the tea.

Step 4: Add 2 tsp Sugar Free Vanilla Syrup (Recipe To Follow) for a Vanilla Chai Latte or 2 tsp of Sweetner!

Step 5: (Optional) If you have a milk frother you can add milk froth to the top.  Or you can whisk milk on a low heat to create your own froth on the stove top.

Step 6: (Optional) Sprinkle cinnamon on top.


How To Make Iced Tea From Loose Leaf Tea

Fall is quickly turning to winter but I find myself making ice tea more and more these days.  Having a couple of jugs of iced tea in the fridge is a great alternative to drinking soda and fruit juices that contain lots of sugar.  Iced tea can be made with pretty much any type of loose leaf tea!  Below are a couple of ways that I like to brew my favourite iced teas!

Making Iced Tea With White, Green or Black Tea Leaves:

Option 1:
Since these types of teas tend to get bitter if you over steep them in hot water, I like to make them the night before using cold water.

Tea In Picture Is Gourmet Grape White Tea
Step 1: Using a glass jar, add the appropriate amount of tea leaves (dependant on the jars size).  All of our bags of tea have instructions on how many teaspoons of tea to use per 250 ml.

Step 2:  Add cold water to the jar until it is full, then place it in the fridge for 8 hours or more.

Tea In Picture Is Gourmet Grape White Tea In Cold Water
Step 3:  Strain the ice tea through our LuxBerry Infuser or any other tea strainer when you are ready to drink it.   Add sweetener and   lemon if you desire!

Option 2:
If you don't have time to leave the tea in the fridge overnight and instead prefer to make the tea as you want to drink it, you can use these instructions instead.
Step 1:  Add the amount of tea leaves required for the size of tea steeper you are using.  Double the amount of tea leaves suggested.  Remember that you will be adding ice to this so if you only want to make one cup of tea, you may want to brew less than you normally would.
Step 2: Brew the tea as per the instructions on the bag in your LuxBerry Infuser or any other tea infuser.
Step 3: Strain the tea into your cup filled with ice.  Add sweetener and lemon if you desire!

Making Iced Tea with Rooibos Tea, Herbal Tea or Fruit Tisanes:

Since these types of teas do not get bitter, you can steep them in hot water for as long as you like.
Option 1:

Step 1: Using a glass jar add the appropriate amount of tea leaves (dependant on the jars size).  All of our bags of tea have instructions on how many teaspoons of tea to use per 250 ml.

Step 2:  Add cold or hot water to the jar until it is full, then place it in the fridge for 8 hours or more.

Step 3:  Strain the ice tea through our LuxBerry Infuser or any other tea strainer when you are ready to drink it.   Add sweetner and   lemon if you desire!

Option 2:
If you don't have time to leave the tea in the fridge overnight and instead prefer to make the tea as you want to drink it, you can use these instructions instead.
Step 1:  Add the amount of tea leaves required for the size of tea steeper you are using.  Double the amount of tea leaves suggested.  Remember that you will be adding ice to this so if you only want to make one cup of tea, you may want to brew less than you normally would to your cup.

Step 2: Brew the tea as per the instructions on the bag in your LuxBerry Infuser or any other tea infuser.

Step 3: Strain the tea into your cup filled with ice.  Add sweetner and lemon if you desire!

Option 3: 
You can also brew the tea as you normally would and then pour the hot tea into a container to cool in the fridge.  Often when I choose to make iced tea out of my herbal teas and/or fruit tisanes this way, I will let the tea steep for a longer time period in order to get more flavour out of it.  I will usually steep the tea for 10-15 minutes since it wont get bitter no matter how long you leave it.  I also like to steep these teas a second time and then add my first and second batch of tea to the same container in the fridge. This way, you will get more iced tea out of the tea leaves!

Monday 26 March 2012

Our Online Store Is Open!!

Please check out our online store!  We would love any feedback on what you guys think of it and any suggestions you may have!  We have some amazing teas and tons of different flavours and varieties.  Here are some of my favourites:

Wicked Walnut
Cherry Geisha

Enchanted Nut
Cream de la Earl

Monday 16 January 2012

Mango Deliciousness....

We didn't know anything could possibly taste this good....

This delightful combination of pineapple, mango, tangerine and strawberry slices can only be described as AMAZING!!! We will 100% be carrying this tea at luxberry, we look forward to everyone being able to try this amazing fruit tisane themselves very shortly...

Friday 13 January 2012

Make Your Own Chamomile Tea Shampoo & Conditioner

Highllighting Chamomile Shampoo


  • 2 heaping teaspoons dried chamomile flowers
  • 1/4 cup mild shampoo (I use baby shampoo)
Bring 1/4 cup of water to a boil and add 2 heaping teaspoons of chamomile, steep for 10-15 minutes and then strain. Add the tea to 1/4 cup of mild shampoo, use it the same as an other shampoo.

Chamomile Deep Conditioning Treatment


  • 1/3 cup dried chamomile flowers
  • 1/3 cup olive oil
Add 1/3 cup of dried chamomile flowers to 1/3 cup of olive oil in a jar with a lid. Place in a sunny window and shake once a day for two weeks. After 2 weeks strain out the flowers and use the remaining liquid as a treatment for your hair. Leave on for 10 minutes for a light conditioning treatment or 20 minutes for a deep conditioning treatment!

Chamomile Banana Conditioner


  • 1 cup of hot water
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1/4 cup dried chamomile flowers
  • 1 tbsp dried rosemary
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp honey
Combine the water, banana, chamomile & rosemary in a blender then blend until it reaches a smooth, creamy texture. Once combined add the coconut oil and honey and blend again for about 15 seconds. Let the mixture cool before use!