About LuxBerry

As with many little girls, my obsession with tea parties began at an early age.  All it took was watching Alice in Wonderland once...and I was hooked!  My mom brought me home a tea set and I was soon throwing tea parties for all my stuffed animals, the guest of honour always being my Cheshire Cat.
Soon I began obsessively collecting the glass figurines that were included in the Red Rose tea boxes that my mom used to buy.  I remember checking the box frequently, getting more excited as the box dwindled down to only a few tea bags, knowing that another box would soon be purchased and I could retrieve the Red Rose figurine from it. When I was older, I began to join her in drinking orange pekoe tea but always adding far too much milk and sugar than would normally be acceptable.
It wasn't until university that I started discovering the world of loose leaf tea.  By accident, I came across a store that sold loose leaf tea and began trying flavours like creamed earl grey, lychee black, prickly pear, coconut cream and so on...  During my first class of the day, I would enjoy my favourite teas out of a travel mug that I brought from home, while my fellow students lined up for the cafeteria coffee dribble that no matter how fresh, always tasted burnt.
After university when I started working, I bought an extra tea steeper that I would leave at work so I could enjoy the same loose leaf teas at work that I did at home.   While my coworkers would choke down our awful  "office coffee", I would brew my own tea in my tea steeper. Everyone always commented on how wonderful it smelled and about how the loose tea itself looked so good you could eat it (many of my teas would contain large chunks of fruit).  I have to admit, on several occasions I did pluck a piece of candied mango or pineapple out of the bag to sample while waiting for the tea to steep.
It was out of this love for tea that  LuxBerry Tea was born.  Since then, we have been scouring the globe for tea farms that supply the very best in quality and taste!  Our team has had a lot of fun sampling hundreds of teas in order to discover what we consider to be the best! Our main focus has been on finding unique and amazing flavored teas with real fruit added.
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